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Welcome to Tartan Athletics!

Tartan High School students can participate in a variety of co-curricular activities which promote pride, build character, and instill good sportsmanship while developing personal and team excellence. We strive to provide activities that appeal to a wide range of students because we believe students involved in activities benefit greatly through their participation.

  • Activities provide students with countless teachable moments during which values such as empathy, courage, fairness, and responsibility, as well as respect for self and others, can be developed.
  • Activities connect students to caring adults in their learning environment who foster social-emotional growth and academic success.
  • Activities provide students with opportunities for moral, social, emotional, and civic growth.

In order for activities to help students grow and develop their own moral compass, we must move beyond defining success by the scoreboard. We must create an atmosphere where student participation focuses on a higher purpose. Through well-defined pathways, supportive leadership, and intentional coaching, students can develop the capacity to lead productive, rewarding, and empathetic lives that result in the betterment of society.

Tartan High School

828 Greenway Avenue North
Oakdale, MN 55128
Phone: 651-702-8721
Fax: 651-702-8651
Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Contact Information

Trevor Mbakwe

Trevor Mbakwe

Athletic/Activities Director
Tartan High School
Jake Kelcher

Jake Kelcher

Activities Coordinator
Tartan High School
Patricia Troendle

Patricia Troendle

Activities Office Administrative Assistant
Tartan High School

Registration for 2024-2025 Fall Sports.
Fall sports start on August 12th.

  1. Make sure you have a current MSHSL SPORTS QUALIFYING PHYSICAL EXAMINATION MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY FORM on file in the Tartan Athletic Office. Physicals are good for three calendar years.
  2. Students are not allowed to register until we have the physical form in hand in our office and have processed it. Please do not turn it into the Nurses Office at Tartan or Skyview as this does not work for Athletics.
  3. Students must register which includes paying the sports fee before they are allowed on the field for practice and try-outs on August 12th.

Do you need to submit a physical?

Below are different ways to do that.

  1. Drop it off in the Activities/Athletic Office.
  2. Email it to Ms. Troendle Or Mr. Kelcher 

If you do not have a way to scan the physical, you can take a picture of it
and email it that way. If you do this option, we only need the front page to get it processed. Then the original physical will need to be dropped in the Athletic Office.

Students are not allowed to participate without a current physical and
their parents registering them and paying their fee.

Below is the link to register online once a physical has been processed.

Registration link

Payment Exceptions Directions

To register under Payment Exceptions You MUST CONTACT Mr. Kelcher
in the Activities/Athletic Office first. Email OR 651-702-8833




Registration & Fees


On this site, you will be able to complete the Minnesota State High School league forms, find additional activity documents, and pay school activity / athletic fees. Take a moment to review your payment options indicated below on this page and then press the Catalog button to begin the registration process.

Application for Educational Benefits

By completing the Application for Educational Benefits, your child and family may qualify for benefits which include reduced athletic fees.

Online Application

Fall Sports

Winter Sports

Spring Sports

Summer Activities

Thank you for all our students who participate in summer activities. Information for summer will be added in May.
